
- ReWaGons


Renewing Water Services Management and Governance in the Built Environment – so called ReWaGons-project is funded by Academy of Finland (288153).

This ReWaGons project 2015-2018 aims at enlarging extensively the knowledge base and understanding of the principles and practices of aging water and wastewater systems and services as well as their management and governance at various levels and in different conditions.



International pre-referee articles

Kurki  V.,  Pietilä  P.  &  Katko  T.  2016.  Assessing Regional    Cooperation    in    Water    Services:    Finnish Lessons  Compared  With  International  Findings. Public Works Management & Policy. 1–22. DOI: 10.1177/1087724X16629962.

Katko  T.S.  &Hukka J.J.  2015. Social and Economic Importance  of  Water  Services  in  The  Built Environment:  Need  for  More  Structured  Thinking. 8th Nordic   Conference   on   Construction   Economics   and Organization.Procedia  Economics  and  Finance.21: 217–223.

Heino   O.,   Katko   T.S.   &   Pietilä   P.E.   2015. Tighter Contracts or More Trust? Outsourcing in Finnish Water  Utilities.Public  Works  Management  Policy. Vol. 20, no 4. pp. 360–378.

Hukka   J.J  & Katko T.S. 2015. Appropriate Pricing Policy Needed  Worldwide  for  Improving Water Services   Infrastructure. Journal   of American Water Works Association .107:1: E37-E46.

Hukka  J.J.  &  Katko  T.S.  2015. Resilient Asset Management  and Governance  for  Deteriorating  Water Services   Infrastructure. 8th   Nordic   Conference   on Construction   Economics   and   Organization. Procedia Economics and Finance. 21: 112–119.

Katko     T.     2015.     Kohti     tasapuolisempaa tutkimuksen   arviointia. Pääkirjoitus.   Towards   Better Balanced  Research  Assessment. Editorial. In  English and  Finnish. Finnish  Journal  of  Environmental  History. Vol.5. no. 1. pp 4-5.

Behailu  B.M.,  ArtoSuominen  S.  &  Katko  T.S. 2015. Evolution  of  Community  Managed  Water  Supply Projects from  1994  to  the  2010s  in  Ethiopia. Public Works Management & Policy. Vol. 20, 4: 379–400.

Kurki, V. & Katko T. S. 2015. Groundwater as a source  of  conflict  and  cooperation:  towards  creating mutual gains. Water Alternatives.8,3: 337-351.

Katko, T.S., Juuti, P.S., Pietilä, P.E. & Rajala R.P. 2015. Water Services Heritage and Institutional Diversity. pp. 297-312. In: Willems J.H.W. & van Schaik H. (eds) Water and Heritage. Material, conceptual and spiritual connections. Sidestone Press. 434 p.

Petri S. Juuti, Georgios P. Antoniou,Walter Dragoni, Fatma El-Gohary, Giovanni De Feo, Tapio S. Katko, Riikka P. Rajala, Xiao Yun Zheng, Renato Drusiani & Andreas N. Angelakis. 2015. Short Global History of Fountains. Water 2015, 7(5), 2314-2348; doi:10.3390/w7052314.

Johanna Sörensen, Vuokko Kurki, Ruta Sidaraviciute, Samuel Ngari Kibocha, Inga Retike, Geoffrey Ikobe, Martynas Tichonovas, Erika Elijosiute & Riikka Rajala. 2015. Interdisciplinary Water Research Network Building within Nordic and Baltic Countries. VATTEN – Journal of Water Management and Research 71:79–83. Lund 2015.

Vuokko Kurki, Ruta Sidaraviciute, Johanna Sörensen, Samuel Ngari Kibocha, Inga Retike, Geoffrey Ikobe, Martynas Tichonovas, Erika Elijosiute, Riikka Rajala. Importance and Challenges of Sharing Experiences among an International and Interdisciplinary Group of Doctoral Students. Ympäristöhistoria The Finnish Journal of Environmental History. YFJEH 1 / 2015 pp. 45-51.


National pre-referee articles and Professional Articles

Juuti P. & Rajala R. 2017. Sata vuotta Suomen suurimmasta lavantautiepidemiasta. Vesitalous VOL. LVIII. Nro 1/2017. s.12-14.

Juuti P. & Rajala R. 2017. Valkea kaupunki, mustat vedet. Vesitalous VOL. LVIII. Nro 1/2017. s.15-17.

Katko T. & Hukka J. 2016. Vesihuollon strateginen kehittäminen haltuun (Recognizing the core and none-core activities of water services). Kuntatekniikka. Vol. 70, no. 2, 12-13. (In Finnish)

Katko T., Lukka A. & Rajala R. 2015. Tampereelta valmistuneiden vesihuoltoalan diplomi-insinöörien sijoittuminen ja odotukset yliopisto-opiskelulle. Vesitalous 2/2015. s. 45-47.


Katko, Tapio. 2016. Finnish Water Services – Experiences in Global Perspective.

Other appearance (book reviews, news, interviews)

17.10.2016. Kuntatekniikka. Uutinen.
Uusi tiedekirja Suomen vesihuollon kehityksestä kansainvälisessä kontekstissa

Finnish water services and governance summarised in a new book
Press release 4 Nov, 2016

Suomalaista vesihuolto-osaamista yksissä kansissa
Lehdistötiedote 4.11.2016



International conferences and visits

Juuti, Petri. 2016. Extraordinary Professor. North-West University, South-Africa. October-December 2016.

Rajala, Riikka. 2016. Senior Research Fellow. North-West University, South-Africa. October-December 2016.

National conferences and visits

Katko, Tapio S. 2016. From Invisible to Invaluable Water Services. Water Power Symposium. 16.8.2016, Tampere, Finland.

Katko T. World Water Day seminar 22.3.2016. Helsinki. Suomen Vesiyhdistyksen vuosiseminaari. Council of Nordic Ministers. ”Long-Term Development of Water Services in Finland and Nordic Countries with International Reflections”

Katko T.  Tutkimus- ja oppilaitoksen näkökulma. Vesialan kehitysyhteistyön synergiaseminaari. 18.8.2016. UM&FWF. Suomenlinna.

Katko T.  15.11.2016. PIRIL-seniorien kokoontuminen
”Suomen vesihuollon kehitys kansainvälisessä kontekstissa”.