Our research group has an active role in many courses at Tampere University. We teach water services (water management etc.) as part of many basic and advanced courses.
One of our best know program is
WASLED – Water Services Leadership and Development
In Finnish it is known as ”VETO – Vesihuollon johtaminen ja kehittäminen”.
Professional development programme called Water Services Leadership and Development, WASLED has been carried out at Tampere University of Technology, Finland in cooperation with major national water services representatives. The programme of 10 months has been run for experts working in the field of water services since 2009. A total of 61 persons participated in the three first courses. WASLED programme emphasizes is learning-based and interactive methods and bench learning.

6th course: 5.11.2021 Peeter Peda: To privatize or not to privatize? The legitimation of profit in (public-private) water service delivery.
Water and Society (RAK-13806 & UniPID Virtual Studies Course), 5 ECTS. The WASO course has been organized via Moodle learning environment since 2011. The course is open for master level and doctoral students globally.
Water supply and sanitation (WSS) are a key element in the development of societies. The water history course will remind us that decisions about and management of water resources and services over the long-term are to a large extent public by nature. As water systems and water use have expanded continuously, we have entered an era where humankind has to strive for more efficient water management.
Other courses (example)
The CADWES team has for several years organised bi-annual courses in English:
– RAK.220-2022-2023-1 Water Services in Urban Settings (Online teaching), 5 ECTS
– KEB-25206 International Water Policy and Management, 3 cr
– KEB-25256 Management and Governance of Water Services, 3 cr
– KEB-25056 Technological Development and Society, 3 cr
We have also cooperated with the high schools, like Tampere Classical Upper Secondary School, CLASU.