The UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Water Services (UNECWAS) was established at Tampere University of Technology in 2012. The Chair has focus on Management, Development and Governance of Water Services. The overall development objective of the Chair is to promote education and research on the principles of sustainable water governance and especially services based on co-creation principles and local needs. A major objective is to strengthen knowledge creation and sharing and enhance the capacity of the partners through North-South-South collaboration. The Chair builds on long-term collaboration between six universities in the South, two UNESCO centres in the North and three other European partners.
Major activities under the Chair includes intensive courses, biennial courses, curriculum development, knowledge and experience sharing, joint virtual courses, research training courses and workshops, joint research projects and workshops, international seminars, and mobility through visiting professorships, experts, and scholarships, as well as promotion of continuing education.
Petri Juuti is a holder of the UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Water Services (2020- ) and Riikka Juuti is a holder of the co-Chair (2020- ) until 2028.
Tapio Katko was the first holder of the Chair, years 2012-2020 and Petri Juuti was the co-Chair 2016-2020.
Our Chair is part of the UNESCO’s Water Family (UNESCO water-related Chairs).
Other water-related UNESCO Chairs
Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme – Science for a water secure world