Tampere University of Technology (TUT)
Faculty of Natural Sciences
CADWES Research Group
Address: Box 541, FI-33101 Tampere, Finland
tel +358 443 344 010
e-mail: vuokko.kurki(at)tut.fi
MSc (Eng), Tampere University of Technology, 2010
2012- Researcher / doctoral candidate, Tampere University of Technology
2011-2012 Teacher (part time), Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
2010-2011 Teacher (part time), Tampere University of Applied Sciences
2009-2010 Research assistant , Tampere University of Technology
Kurki, V., Lipponen, A. and Katko, T. 2013. Managed aquifer recharge in community water supply: the Finnish experiences and some international comparisons. Water International. Vol. 38 (6). s. 774–789
Kurki, V., Katko, T. and Pietilä, P. 2010. Bilateral collaboration in municipal water and wastewater services in Finland. Journal Water. Vol. 2 (4). s. 815-825 Available: http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/2/4/815/.
Katko, T., Kurki, V., Juuti, P., Rajala, R. and Seppälä, O. 2010. Integration of water and wastewater utilities: A case from Finland. J AWWA (American Water Works Association). Vol.102, no 9. s. 62-70
Kurki, V. 2010. Vesihuollon ylikunnalliset sopimukset lisääntymässä. (Bilateral collaboration in water services is increasing). Kuntatekniikka 2/2010. s.18
Pietilä, P., Katko, T. and Kurki, V. 2010. Vesihuolto kuntayhteistyön voiteluaineena (Water flueling municipal collaboration). Kunnalisalan kehittämissäätiö (Foundation for Municipal Development). Publication 62. 112 p. www.kaks.fi/sites/default/files/Tutkjulk_62_web_3.pdf