Sata vuotta vesihuoltoa Suomessa 1917-2017
Hankkeen tavoitteena oli tuottaa näkemyksellistä tietoa Suomen vesihuollon kehityksestä viimeisen sadan vuoden ajalta ja sen merkityksestä yhteiskunnassa.
Projekti oli osa Suomen itsenäisyyden satavuotisjuhlavuoden ohjelmaa.
Tutkimushankkeessa perehdyttiin keskeisiin valintoihin tutkimuksen kohteena olevilla vesihuoltolaitoksilla, vertailtiin eri paikkakuntien strategisia valintoja ja käännepisteitä sekä laadittiin näiden pohjalta vertaileva, monitieteinen analyysi pitkän aikavälin kehityksestä. Tämän ja kohdelaitosten ja myös alan keskeisten vaikuttajien haastattelujen perusteella pohdittiin tulevaisuuden haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia. Tutkimushankkeeseen kohteena on useita suomalaisia vesilaitoksia eri puolelta Suomea.
Tutkimushankkeen tuloksena valmistui FT, dos. Petri Juutin, UNESCO oppituolin haltija, dos. Tapio Katkon ja Yliopistotutkija, TkT Riikka Rajalan kirjoittama kirja Sata vuotta vesihuoltoa Suomessa 2017.
ReWaGons 2015-2018
Renewing Water Services Management and Governance in the Built Environment – so called ReWaGons-project was funded by Academy of Finland (288153).
This ReWaGons project aims at enlarging extensively the knowledge base and understanding of the principles and practices of aging water and wastewater systems and services as well as their management and governance at various levels and in different conditions.
The broad objective of the VIWAFU Network and its activities is to enhance knowledge and understanding of the diversity of research approaches as well as inter- and multidisciplinary research regarding water resources and water services in their wider institutional framework that covers the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal dimensions.
The focus of this network is on involving PhD students and postdocs, and also some MSc students, supported by professors and other teaching or research staff of participating universities. Each participating institution has its own strong areas which will be utilised in network activities.
Through meetings, sharing experiences and comparisons the network will provide knowledge on water management and governance for future policy and decision making in the Nordic and Baltic countries and the European Union.
The coordinating team of the network is the Capacity Development in Water and Environmental Services (CADWES) team at Tampere University of Technology (TUT). Other partners of VIWAFU Network are:
– The Urban Management research team at the Technical University of Denmark
– The International Environmental History Group (IEHG) at University of Tampere (UTA), Finland
– The Hydrology Centre, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Iceland
– The Water Resources Engineering Department at the University of Lund, Sweden
– The Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Geography, University of Latvia
– The Department of Environment, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
EU funded research projects and networks (CADWES involved)
PRINWASS – Barriers and Conditions for the Involvement of Private Capital and Enterprise in Water Supply and Sanitation in Latin America and Africa: Seeking Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability, 2002-04, FP5. Coordinated by University of Oxford (UoX), School of Geography and the Environment. CADWES as a partner.
WATERTIME – 2002-04, FP5. Watertime’s 29 case studies, 13 National Context Reports, City in Time, International and European Context, and the Analytical Framework and Final Synthesis reports are all available: Coordinated by University of Greenwich, PSIRU. CADWES as a partner.
NETSSAF – Network for the development of Sustainable Approaches for large scale implementation of Sanitation in Africa), FP6 Consortium of 19 partners, CADWES one of them.
GOBACIT – Governance, Citizenship, Water Management and Environmental Health in Developing Countries) An interdisciplinary research network. Coordinated by University of Newcastle. CADWES as a partner.